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Easiest Way to Make Homemade Garlic bread

Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, if you're looking for Garlic bread recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Garlic bread recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Garlic bread

Before you jump to Garlic bread recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Foods That Make Your Mood Better.

For the most part, people have been taught to believe that "comfort" foods are not good for the body and have to be avoided. At times, if your comfort food is made of candy or other junk foods, this is true. Other times, however, comfort foods can be completely nutritious and it's good for you to eat them. A number of foods really do elevate your mood when you eat them. If you are feeling a little bit down and you need an emotional pick me up, try some of these.

Cold water fish are great if you are wanting to feel happier. Herring, trout, tuna, wild salmon, and mackerel are all high in omega-3 fats and DHA. These are two substances that increase the quality and function of the grey matter in your brain. It's true: consuming a tuna fish sandwich can greatly raise your mood.

So you see, you don't need to stuff your face with junk food when you are wanting to feel better! Try some of these instead!

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to garlic bread recipe. You can have garlic bread using 11 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to prepare Garlic bread:

  1. Use 1/4 cup of warm water.
  2. Use 1 tsp of sugar.
  3. Take 1 tsp of yeast.
  4. Prepare 1 tsp of chilli flakes.
  5. You need 2 tsp of oregano.
  6. Prepare 1/4 cup of butter.
  7. Provide 3 tbsp of oil.
  8. You need 1 cup of flour.
  9. Get As needed of Water.
  10. Get 5 cubes of cheese.
  11. Get 1 tbsp of garlic paste.

Steps to make Garlic bread:

  1. Take a cup add warm water, yeast and sugar and mix it nicely then cover for 15 minutes.
  2. Take a bowl add flour, salt, oregano and oil.
  3. Now add the yeast mixture and water to make a dough.
  4. The doughy should be sticky. Now cover the dough for 1&1/2 hour with a cloth or cling wrap.
  5. The dough will be doubled in the size after 1&1/2 hour.
  6. Knead it nicely for 10 minutes and roll a thick and big roti.
  7. Take a bowl and add butter, oregano and garlic paste.
  8. Apply the butter mixture on the dough.
  9. Add cheese on half roti or dough.
  10. Now apply water on the boundary of dough and fold the dough into semi circle and cut it.
  11. Now apply some butter and add chilli flakes and oregano on the dough for garnishing.
  12. Bake at 200°c for 20-22 minutes or until golden brown. Enjoy your garlic bread at home with cheese dip ❤️ Happy baking.

Plus, add some mozzarella to make it extra cheesy! Homemade garlic bread recipe with crunchy slices topped with a simple three-ingredient garlic spread. Crushed cloves of roasted garlic give the bread a slightly caramelized and savory flavor. This bread is one of those breads, except anyone can make it. This mouthwatering cheesy garlic bread will delight your guests or family members.

If you find this Garlic bread recipe valuable please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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